Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Life is crazy....but "It's a Wonderful Life"!

Sorry, but with Christmas fast approaching, the quote "had to be done". :)

Time flies these days. In August, I started a new part-time job. I didn't quit my old one, I just added one. A friend of a friend owns a salon in a retirement home. She was about to have her first baby, and was looking for someone to take over the salon for her maternity leave. Thankfully, a different friend found out she had my name in time to warn I wasn't totally gob-smacked when the phone rang 3 hours later with the offer.

Can I just say? Working with the seniors was my favourite part of any salon job I had....they have led such incredible lives, and have such rich advice to share! And this new job has not disappointed. From feisty Audrey and Laura, who proudly wear red each Friday to honour our troops, to Fran who weighs 96 pounds soaking wet, and sneaks chocolates like they're going out of style....from happy-go-lucky Blanche to my British "lady" Ella, I love them all....

It leads me to wonder...what am I going to do when this job ends? These ladies have already won my heart. It seems bizarre to think that someday soon I might not see them twice a week! I'm thinking Tuesday afternoons I might just have to join the weekly Scrabble game in the diningroom, whether I work there or not!

I haven't yet figured out how to find the time to "do" everything...laundry piles up, dust bunnies terrorize the living. I have no idea how mothers who work 5 days per week do everything! The Proverbs 31 woman was nuts! I'm thankful to grab onto the explanation that she is a compilation of several women, not just one...b/c otherwise, I don't have a prayer!