Monday, January 12, 2009

I am not doing well. There. I said it.

Last Monday I spent the day curled up in my bed sobbing.

Ditto Tuesday. My arms now feel as if I have pulled every muscle in them. But it's b/c they're not around a certain boy. Not because of overwork of any type.

Wednesday and Thursday I managed to keep it together long enough to work.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Down and out with a "cycle from Hell", and a feeling that my head was floating somehwere around three feet above my body. Blood loss and fluid loss may be culprits.

Today. Deep betrayal by a friend who should "know me better". Why does sin continue to surprise me?

Today. I watch Angie Smith's, my hero's, video of her short earthly time with her 4th daughter, Audrey Caroline. And the sobs wracked my body again. For both of us.

And yet. As I said to Angie on her blog ( It IS well with my soul.

Thank you, my Father.


Anonymous said...

(((((big ole hug)))))

I have no comprehension of your pain--can't even imagine. Just know I'm thinking about you and am proud of your strength through this season of your grief.

Angie's video also brought me to my knees.

Ericanaysha said...

Prayers for you! **HUGS**

Connie said...

Bigs Hugs Laura!